Craig Lapsley
The V Shred Scam: Why Body Type Is Not the Key to Fitness Success
Are you tired of hearing about body type as the end-all-be-all of fitness? You're not alone. It seems like every day, another fitness guru is peddling the idea that your body type should dictate how you eat and train. But the truth is, this is just another fitness myth that's been perpetuated by companies like V Shred.
In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the V Shred scam, and why body type is not the key to fitness success. We'll also provide some evidence-based tips for achieving your fitness goals, without getting sucked into the body type gimmick.
The V Shred Scam
V Shred is one of the companies that has popularized the idea of body type as the key to fitness success. They claim that by identifying your body type (ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph), you can tailor your diet and exercise plan to get better results.
But here's the thing: there's no scientific evidence to support the idea that body type should be the primary factor in your fitness plan. Sure, genetics play a role in how your body looks and performs, but they're not the be-all-end-all.
The V Shred scam is based on the idea that you can fit people into neat little boxes based on their body type, and that by doing so, you can create a one-size-fits-all fitness plan. But as any evidence-based personal trainer will tell you, this is simply not true.
The Problem with Body Type
There are several problems with the idea of body type as the key to fitness success:
· It's based on outdated science. The idea of body types dates back to the 1940s, and was based on a single study of somatotypes (body types). Since then, science has moved on, and we now know that there's no clear-cut way to categorize people based on their body type.
· It leads to unnecessary food restrictions. If you're told that you're an endomorph and that you need to avoid carbs, you might be missing out on important nutrients that your body needs. Carbs are an important source of energy, and cutting them out unnecessarily can do more harm than good.
· It can lead to suboptimal training. If you're told that you're an ectomorph and that you need to do high-rep, low-weight exercises, you might be missing out on the benefits of heavy lifting. Everyone can benefit from strength training, regardless of their body type.
· It's a marketing ploy. Let's be real: companies like V Shred are using body type as a way to sell more products. By creating the idea that you need a special plan based on your body type, they're able to sell more supplements, workout plans, and other products.
And don’t just take my word for it, the science speaks for itself…
A study published in the International Journal of Exercise Science found that body type-based training did not result in significant differences in body composition or physical performance compared to a non-body type-based approach.
Another study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that a macronutrient-based approach was more effective than a body type-based approach for improving body composition and performance.
These studies show that a personalized approach to training and nutrition is more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach.
Here's why:
1. Individual variation: Everyone has different fitness goals, preferences, and lifestyles. What works for one person may not work for another. For example, some people may thrive on a low-carb diet while others may need more carbohydrates to fuel their workouts.
2. Goals and preferences: Depending on your goals and preferences, you may need to focus on different types of training and nutrition. For example, if you want to build muscle, you may need to increase your protein intake and lift weights regularly.
3. Lifestyle: Your lifestyle and schedule can also affect your training and nutrition needs. For example, if you have a busy schedule, you may need to find time-efficient workouts that can be done at home or on-the-go.
Focus on your goals, not your body type. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your performance, your goals should dictate how you eat and train.
Companies like V Shred often use marketing tactics to make their products seem like the perfect solution for achieving fitness goals. Here are some examples of marketing ploys to be wary of:
· Promising quick and easy results: Fitness and nutrition are not quick fixes, and any program that claims to produce rapid results without effort is likely a scam.
· Pushing expensive supplements: Many fitness companies promote supplements as necessary for achieving desired results. However, these supplements are often expensive and unnecessary, and can even be harmful.
· Playing on people's insecurities: Companies like V Shred often prey on people's insecurities, making them believe that they must conform to certain body types to be happy and healthy.
It's important to be skeptical of any claims that sound too good to be true, and to do your own research before investing in any fitness program. Remember that achieving fitness goals takes time, effort, and patience. Don't fall for marketing ploys that promise quick and easy results